Networking & Home Wifi
No more loading times with our Lightning-fast Connectivity
Control from one device
Increase property value
Protect what matters most to you
Keep your home, and the important things in it, safe and secure at all times. Check-in on the locks, cameras, and garage doors from across the street or across the globe. Receive alerts when someone enters the house. Set lights to automatically come on at dusk so you’ll never have to approach a dark house again. Intelligent security solutions put peace of mind at your fingertips so you can trust that all is safe and sound.

Control4 security access control
With quality at the heart of every product selection in your design, it’s important we work closely with and select from, the best manufacturers of audio-visual products. This ensures you receive a fully compatible and highly desirable home cinema solution, providing you with many years of high-quality entertainment. We can offer our customers a virtual reality experience to give them the best view of what we can achieve.